different strategies that have been adopted around the world


Although this is not the same proposal from the Argentinian researchers, in which advance planning is a key factor, the mechanics of closing activities in stages in order to reduce the number of coronavirus infections, which in some places is called ” intermittent ”, in another“ accordion ”or simply“ temporary ”, it has occurred in several countries of the world, with varied extensions and at different times, depending on the health situation of each nation or region.

After more stringent quarantines or near total closures, several countries have tended to shut down activities intermittently, some dividing the week into four and three days, others over the weekend, especially in areas where the socio -economic is more complicated.

Details of some cases:


Bogotá has had several brief closures. The mayor’s office singled out “four days of biosafety work and study and three of quarantine,” a program it used until last month and sometimes accompanied by restrictions on vehicle entry into the city.

In January, several towns in Bogotá carried out strict but very targeted closures: Usaquén, Suba and Engativá, first; and Kennedy, Fontibón and Teusaquillo later.

The department of Antioquia – the second most affected by infections – also applied containment under the 4×3 system, added to a brake on mobility on weekends. The governor in charge, Luis Fernando Suárez, spoke in this case of an “accordion model”.


The Panamanian government implemented a total quarantine of ten consecutive days last January in the provinces of Panama and Panama Oeste, and only allowed mobility by gender, day and time, and completion. of the document.

On other occasions, he has ordered full quarantine on certain weekends.


The Dominican government has repeatedly decreed 12-hour nighttime curfews, with two hours of free passage. On weekends, moreover, the gastronomic places could not have customers inside.


At the start of the year and given the growth in the number of cases, the Greek government imposed a strict but brief closure from January 3 to 11. “We are staying at home these days and on the 11th we return with our schools open”, then explained the spokesperson Stelios Petsas.


Temporary and targeted closures were a constant in the country. The latest took place in January, in the Brisbane area, where it was ordered to have a three-day extension because a hotel employee had tested positive for the UK variant.


In his penultimate month in power, then-president Lenin Moreno last month decided on a new “state of emergency due to public calamity,” which included a weekend lockdown. end and a nighttime curfew in most countries. From Monday to Thursday, the curfew was at night.


It is the country that has used the strategy of seven days of radical quarantine followed by seven days of easing the most, although several media have noted that over time detention controls have weakened. In addition, some public holidays have been made more flexible.


Madrid and Barcelona, ​​with some nuance, have experienced 15-day closings on several occasions, and only a few stores have been allowed to operate, at very strict hours.


Two countries in long quarantine at the start of the pandemic last year, took advantage of the 2020 end-of-year holidays to extend the closures until January 10, with some variations around schools and commerce.


Berlin centralized all measures on the pandemic and the government opened and closed activities as the curve of cases accelerated or slowed. “A short, uniform shutdown is preferable,” Chancellor Angela Merkel said of some temporary lockdowns.


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