Dionisis is dead, the baker who gave his food to refugees – 17/02/2019


Dionisis Avranitakis, Baker of the Greek island of Kos known in Europe for his selfless help towards refugees who have reached hundreds of people on the coast of the island, He died this Sunday at the age of 77.

Every day Avranitakis baked and distributed free hundreds of breads and bills for refugees arriving in Kos, before the government reacts and creates hosting structures.

Every day, Avranitakis prepared and distributed free hundreds of breads and tickets for refugees arriving in Kos (video capture).

Every day, Avranitakis prepared and distributed free hundreds of breads and tickets for refugees arriving in Kos (video capture).

Through this work that placed him as one of the faces of solidarity of the Greek people in the midst of the humanitarian crisis, Avranitakis received the award of the 2016 Civil Society Committee of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC).

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The President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, who met Avranitakis on a visit to the island and was impressed by their solidarity, he used it as an example to define Europe during his first debate on the state of the Union.

"Europe is not an ultra group that are coming together to set fire to a Syrian shelter. Europe is Kos baker, who offers his free bread to relieve refugee hunger, "said Juncker.

"I do not know how much money I spend a day, I know that I lose a lot of money but they (for refugees) have something to eat" (video capture).

When he asked Dionisis how much money he spent a day making bread for the refugees, the Greek answered Juncker: "I have no idea. I know I'm losing a lot of money but they (for refugees) have something to eat. "

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Avranitakis knew what it means to be a refugee, his family had to leave Smyrna after the Turkish invasion of 1922, which has displaced a million Greeks from the city.

Avranitakis knew what it meant to be a refugee because his family had to leave Smyrna after the Turkish invasion of 1922, which displaced a million Greeks from the city (video capture).

Avranitakis knew what it meant to be a refugee because his family had to leave Smyrna after the Turkish invasion of 1922, which displaced a million Greeks from the city (video capture).

And he used to say for the newspaper El Mundo at the time: "I can not stand to see these people being hungry and cold here without my government doing anything. I know what it is to be a refugee. I went there "and He cooked 100 kilograms more of his daily production for distribution to the refugees.

The island of Kos, in the eastern Aegean, has been one of the most affected by the so-called refugee crisis because of its proximity to the Turkish coasts. hosts 965 migrants and refugees out of the remaining 15,000 on these islands, According to data from the Greek Ministry of Migration.

EFE Agency.



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