Diosito is in trouble and could go to jail


As if that were not enough, the customs authorities failed to further inform the other "bags". Thus, in the face of these suspicions, a judge could request registrations and cite the customs agents who proceeded to the proceedings.

In the report prepared by the screening officers, it is stated that the car belongs to the actor, originally from Montevideo, and an intervention was given to the Economic Criminal Court No. 8, headed by Judge Gustavo Meirovich.

Although the purchase of marijuana is legal in Uruguay, sellers and buyers must register in an official register. Since the case was made public recently, it is unclear whether Furtado is registered, but it is known that there is an important parallel market for this substance.

Awada and Mazzarello become "marginal"

In the middle of the first week of recording the marginal 3, we knew what would be the roles of the two renowned actors who recently joined the fiction: Alejandro Awada and Marcelo Mazzarello.

As announced by La Pavada de Crónica, the brother-in-law of current president Mauricio Macri will become a former boxer who will serve a sentence in San Onofre prison. Meanwhile, Mazzarello will put on the skin of a former footballer who has committed a crime and who will also be driven into this prison.

For now, neither Sebastian Ortega nor Pablo Culell want to tell the details of the new plot, to surprise their fans. However, Nico Furtado uses his networks to keep his followers up to date


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