"Dirty than the bathrooms of Constitution", a popular expression that has lost its meaning with the renovation of the station – 27/07/2018


A popular phrase has just lost its meaning. As part of the improvement of the Roca railway terminal, the underground toilets of the hall have also been renovated. Therefore, it will no longer be valid that something "is dirtier than the baths of the Constitution" .

Famous for their filth and bad smell, they were also the subject of dark stories of robbery, badual abuse, and other crimes . And although in the terminal there are other public access toilets, those in the basement are those that served as a reference to the famous phrase.

  The stairs to the new bathrooms of Constitución station. (Cecilia Profetico)

The stairs to the new bathrooms of the station Constitución. (Cecilia Profetico)

To get there, you have to go down a staircase located in the main hall, at the entrance of the quays that are closer to Lima Street.

Once there, you will probably remember the faint yellow light, the grime that grips urinals, toilets and walls, and some hostile faces of people who for unknown reasons, stop at the rest of the stairs that leads to the bathrooms.

The place has deteriorated at the same rate as the entire terminal, considered a major architectural project, with the imposition of the development of the railways as a growth engine . And the baths were gaining fame in this popular phrase that put them as a parameter to compare dirt with any other place or situation . There are even reports of service users who have stopped using them for fear of being stolen or victims of certain situations of abuse or harbadment.

  Remains of an old freight elevator in the new bathrooms of the Constitución station. (Cecilia Profetico)

Remains of an old freight elevator in the new bathrooms of Constitución station. (Cecilia Profetico)

It is the experience of Irene Salvi, who lives in Lomas and has been using Rock for at least 20 years. "I was a teenager when I started traveling, I went down and I was really scared, I was told that it was dangerous. I did not Have never used. "

  Impeccable, as well as the new bathrooms at Constitución Station. (Cecilia Profetico)

Impeccable, as are the new bathrooms at Constitución Station. (Cecilia Profetico)

This year, even, the deputy Agustín Rossi, in the middle of the debate on the tariffs of the public services, fired: "You are dirtier than the Retiro toilets" . He told legislators and government officials of Cambiemos. And although Rossi changed the "metaphor" of the Constitution to Retirement, the answers and those responsible for social networks quickly became visible.

  Impeccable, here are the new bathrooms at Constitución station. (Cecilia Profetico)

Impeccable, as are the new bathrooms at Constitución Station. (Cecilia Profetico)

It is the bathrooms of the other large railway terminal of Buenos Aires, which concentrates the branches of the Miter line, have been upgraded before those of their first sister of the Rock . Although they did not deteriorate so much, the change was notorious and accompanied the development of the lobby, the platforms and the facade, which regained the luminosity with which they were built there. is over 100 years old. new bathrooms at Constitución station. (Cecilia Profetico) ” observer=”” data-observer-function=”loadLazyImg”/>

At the subway exits, the new bathrooms of Constitución station. (Cecilia Profetico)

This week, after opening to the public, on a tour Clarín saw pbadengers thank the security personnel posted next to the toilet. They highlighted cleanliness, lights and totally new restrooms.

Does the bathrooms of a shopping center? From any public place in Europe or the United States?
They are from the station of Constitución who reformed Change after years of negligence
DO NOT COME MORE !!! pic.twitter.com/ivKrLqDFry

– Agustín Barletti (@_transport) 26 July 2018

The famous baths of the phrase are available for pbadengers arriving or leaving the terminal. To access you must support the SUBE in the mills that are in the hall, or in the undergrounds.

In social networks, there have been complaints because "you have to pay to use them". In fact, what the authorities explain is that they are used by pbadengers who have already crossed the line of windlbades. In addition, on Instagram and Twitter, there was praise for the renovation of bathrooms.

On the ground floor there are toilets that have also been renovated and can be used without having to bear the SUBE, clarify with the railway operator.

In any case, they are equipped with changing rooms for the disabled

Now, the challenge will be to keep them in good condition . In the place, you see the cleaning and security personnel almost constantly. People appreciate the renovation that was done. This does not stop being curious or attracting attention that one must be surprised that the baths are clean and neat, which should have always happened.

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