Disappointed by his children, he left the inheritance to his dog: “He loves me more than my family” | the Chronicle


A 50-year-old man from Madhya Pradesh, India, could no longer bear the bad behavior of his children and preferred to leave the inheritance to his dog, who will receive half of his property.

The farmer whose name is Om Narayan VermaHe drew the attention not only of his children for his exemplary punishment, but also of the media in his country, who published the news, which went viral on social networks and around the world.

Its properties total more than 7 hectares; half will go to his wife, Champa, and the remaining 50% will go to Jacky, his dog, because he is like the son he always wanted to have.

“My wife and my dog ​​take care of me. Therefore, I am the closest to them. After I die, I want my second wife, Champa, and the dog Jacky to inherit all of the properties I have. The person who takes care of the dog will inherit the property that I have reserved for him ”, the man told local media.

“After I die, I want my second wife, Champa, and the dog Jacky to inherit all the properties I have. The person who takes care of the dog will inherit the property that I have reserved for him.

Leave all the inheritance to a domestic animal?

The case of Om Narayan is neither the first nor the last in the world. Today, 81% of pet owners value their pets the same way their children do. More than half prefer the term “father of the animal” to that of “owner” and 44% of owners have some sort of agreement to transfer the inheritance to their animal.

According to Guinness World Records, the richest cat in the world is a black cat named Blackie who inherited £ 7million ($ 12.5million) in 1988 when his owner Ben Rea, an antique dealer, left a good chunk of his fortune to his beloved. pet. In his will, Rea left nothing for his family and made additional donations to various cat-related charities, asking them to take care of Blackie.


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