“Disaster Girl” earns $ 473,000 selling the original image behind her meme as an NFT


In recent months, global interest in Non-fungible token (NFT). Much of the blame is on some striking acquisitions of multi-million dollar digital works, such as the recent Lebron James, Pelé or the artist Grimes, girlfriend of Elon musk. There are several that sell concepts in the form of a digital certificate, which accredits you as the owner of the work.

You have surely seen it a thousand times in the social networks: a girl, looking with a peculiar expression at the camera that could even be considered bad, while her neighbors try to contain a fire in the background.

Zoe Roth, known as Disaster girl, is the protagonist of the viral image that has become one of the favorite memes for the Internet, after his father took this photo in 2005. He is now 21 and in his final year of college.

Which is also at this moment almost half a million dollars richer, especially after the young lady decided to sell the original image that gave birth to her famous meme as NFT, after following the advice of other famous protagonists of the meme, like Laina Morris, known as “Psycho Girlfriend,” who sold her iconic meme for $ 400 through an NFT a few weeks ago.

Zoe Roth, today.

Zoe Roth, today.

Roth appears to have done better than Morris, as he auctioned the image and hit a maximum bid of 180 Ether (cryptocurrency, approximately $ 473,000, approximately) by the picture.

Zoe plans to share what she’s accomplished with her family.

However, the meme protagonist and his father were kind enough to consult with a lawyer beforehand so they could get the most out of the image, and they left everything okay: Zoe would sell the original photo, but that this does not mean that you will lose the rights to your image.

The NFT has been coded in such a way that it will retain the copyright and will receive 10% of every sale whenever the NFT is resold, which gives it the copyright. image control.

Laina Morris, known as "psychopathic girlfriend", advised Zoe Roth to sell her meme as NFT.

Laina Morris, known as “Psycho Girlfriend,” advised Zoe Roth to sell her meme as NFT.

“Being able to sell it just shows us that we keep a little control throughout the process,” the young woman assured the Raleigh News and Observer portal, admitting that he plans to donate his share of the profits to various NGOs.

“No one who’s a meme has tried to make their future like that, it happens. Luckily? Because of fate? I have no idea, but I accepted it, ”he said.

The sale of NFT is on the rise. It should be mentioned that the creation, purchase and distribution of these NFTs is completely legal, and the buyer is required to be (and can prove it by means of identification) of legal age.

With information from La Vanguardia.


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