Discapanch: Saul lost an arm, saved the life of Evita, was an entrepreneur and lost his job with Macri


"I do not feel good. I was fine until February 17, 2017, since they took my store to entrust to an international luxury goods company. Where I was, they set up the premises of a company that collaborated with their campaign", Guest invited to C5N.

To integrate

His story of overcoming is exemplary. When he was 10, a truck lost control and crushed it. He was admitted to San Isidro hospital during the visit of Maria Eva Duarte. It was in 1949, while the first government of Juan Domingo Perón was in full swing. He ordered the director of Rawson Hospital to admit me to the service of Professor Ricardo Finocchieto, Evita's personal physician. I created Discapanch to thank her, "he told the Minute One program.

Discapanch was an icon of the Retiro station. Not only did they sell hot dogs, but there were also cakes, tortillas, pizzas, empanadas, sandwiches and minutes on the menu of the day. The kitchen was open and was eating upright at the counter or against the wall.

"I decided to open a bakery. It occurred to me to do so in a place frequented by many people with disabilities. I had to sell my father's house to get the place. I was 20 years old there in the lobby of the Miter de Retiro station", He tells Gustavo Sylvestre.

Since 1998, Discapanch has employed dozens of employees who have struggled to enter the world of work. Saul has endured the ups and downs of the economy and even corporate attacks. "Cirigliano with TBA wanted me to delete the place. I went to Casa Rosada, De la Rúa stepped in and said no. Macri arrived and I was not saved, "he explains.

"He told me that they were going to create a world first station, so he could not be there. Guillermo Dietrich said it in person. He told me that it was an image that did not fit. Everything had to be luxury, "he says, arguing that it may be because of his disability that he was deprived of his job. "We are going to throw the manco peronacho"I heard what they said.

Macyszyn has received the international "World Work for Humanitarian Solidarity -OMHS" award, as well as the "Success Business Awards 2005" award for the "Solidarity disability chain of work". He knew he had other activities than that of retirement.

"With 80 years old I will go to vote. Macri is the destruction", He concludes while dreaming of a new company despite the fact that, for some, a fast food frequented by disabled people does not correspond to their aesthetic values.


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