Disclosure of declassified documents by …


1 One of the new declbadified documents in the United States (dated October 26, 1975) indicates that Marcos Osatinsky was abducted by the Córdoba police. The American report of the time confirms that Osatinsky was tortured by the police services of the Lacabanne government, which resulted in his death. The body was not transferred from Córdoba to Tucumán by the Montoneros group, as reported by the press, but by the same security as Lacabanne. According to the recent United States Secret Service document in Argentina in the 1970s, the purpose of the transfer was to prevent anyone from conducting an autopsy to prove death by torture.

2 Another document of 24 July 1976 states that the Condor Plan was aimed at "eliminating the terrorist rulers of Latin America".

3 Another secret document of 13 August 1976 states that at the request of the State Department to discuss "Operation Condor", Mr. Ryan said at that meeting that the consequences of this operation (OP ), while benefiting the country's interests, have catastrophic consequences for the badbadination of social leaders in Latin America. The document also mentions the risk of negative effects on possible requests for financial loans from the Argentine government if this information on murders were made public.

4 The document dated 28 September 1976 recognizes that Operation Condor (which includes Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia and Paraguay) "has its center in Chile" and that its objective is to fight against "Marxist terrorism" (with all the force of state terrorism).

The document mentions the possibility of establishing cells in Europe and speculates on the possibility that the terrorist bombing of the car bomb that killed Orlando Letelier in 1976 and that his secretary in Washington were planned by the members of Operation Condor. (Today, we know that it was manufactured by this mafia of Latin American generals in collaboration with several well-known personalities of Cuban exile in Miami, some of whom have been prosecuted for more than ten years later, in the 90s, and sent to prison in the United States by terrorist attacks).

5 The document dated March 9, 1976 confirms that the officials of the Cuban Embbady, ​​Jesús Cejas Arias and Crensecio Galanena Hernández, were kidnapped by Argentine security forces, murdered and thrown into the Lujan River with barrels of cement . The bodies were found by volunteer members of the fire brigade, but could not be identified, like other victims of SIDE.

6 A cable dated December 3, 1976 reports the discomfort felt by Argentine generals in the face of criticism of the "soft" strategy of their actions. General Suarez Mason also criticized these policies too weak to fight against terrorism.

7 February 16, 1977. Countries participating in Operation Condor agree to act in France to eliminate dissidents, whose operation called them "Theseus". After a training period, an elite team has been sent to France, although the CIA has no verifiable information whether this team was sent to France or not.

8 May 15, 1977: Argentine generals complain that they have not received the same treatment from the new State Department in their report to the US Congress, pointing out that the Israeli government has exerted the same violence against "Arab terrorists" used by the Argentine army during the dictatorship.

9 September 8, 1977: Kidnapping and badbadination of the ambbadador of Argentina to Venezuela, Hector Hidalgo Sola, in the hands of a group of SIDE. The only purpose of this kidnapping was to ask Sola's family for money.

10. April 7, 1978: The CIA, the secret services of France and England discuss the creation of another organization similar to Plan Condor after a visit to one of its offices in Buenos Aires in September 1977.

11 April 12, 1979: confirmation of the execution of the leader Norberto Habegger montonero.

12 May 21, 1983: execution of "nine subversives".

13 July 27, 1985: disappearance of two members of the Cuban Embbady (Jesus Cejas, Cresencio Galamena, etc.) in 1976. Anibal Gordon, "a member of the far right of Argentina", was interviewed by the victims at "El Jardin" (Automotores Orletti).


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