Discover in Pompeii a fresco that represents the myth of the beauty of Narciso – 14/02/2019


A fresco in excellent condition that represents the beauty myth of Narcissus is the new discovery in the recovery of a luxury home in the new excavations that take place in Pompeii, the Roman city buried by the eruption of Vesuvius 79 AD

The new discovery is in the same house in which a few months ago was discovered another badual fresco that represents the Greek myth of Leda and Swan.

The fresco describing the myth of the beauty of Narcissus was discovered during the new excavations on the archaeological site of Pompeii (Italy). EFE Photo

The fresco describing the myth of the beauty of Narcissus was discovered during the new excavations on the archaeological site of Pompeii (Italy). EFE Photo

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"A sensual and refined room regained all its beauty during the excavations of Regio V of Pompeii, as well as the splendid image of Leda and the swan, behind the room, in the part of the atrium of the house, on the walls colored, appears Fresh narcissus looking in a pond", explained today in a note of this archaeological area.

Archaeologists slowly discover this house whose decorations are well maintained and represent delicate floral ornaments, interspersed with taps of horns of abundance, flying cupids, still lifes and scenes of fighting between animals.

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In the atrium where Narciso's fresco was found, the stairs that led to the upper floor are still visible, but above all, the basement was also discovered, used to store a dozen containers in glbad, eight amphorae and a funnel. bronze

"The beauty of these rooms, already evident from the first discoveries, led us to modify the project and to continue excavations to reveal the environment of Leda and the atrium behind"explained the acting director of the archaeological park Alfonsina Russo, who said that the goal was to be visited by the public in the future.

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The outgoing director of this archeological area stressed that all the environments of the house "are impregnated by the theme of the joy of life, beauty and vanity" and that it is "of" 39; a deliberately luxurious and probably relevant setting for the last years of the colony, as evidenced by the extraordinary state of conservation of the colors ".

Source: EFE and AFP



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