Discover the most cruel and cynical lie of Donald Trump | Chronic


After the American president Donald Trump will ensure that it worked "with firefighters and lifeguards" During the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 against the Twin Towers, a video was published confirming that his words were not true. After the broadcast of the images, the president was accused of using the attack for "polish your image".

Last Monday, September 11, Trump signed a bill providing for medical care and lifetime compensation for emergency services workers. During this act, he witnessed the attack and added: "The people involved were firefighters, police and other rescuers, I was there too, but I do not consider myself a lifeguard." He continued: "I spent a lot of time there."

However, in the last few hours, a video was posted on social networks showing Donald Trump, during the hours the attack occurred, providing a telephone interview to a television channel, presenting a building in the area, pointing out that The property was the highest in the region before the construction of the World Trade Center.

In the archives, we hear him say: "The 40 Wall Street was actually the second tallest building in downtown Manhattan and was, before the World Trade Center, the highest."

Trump talks about what he was doing on September 11th. What he was doing on 9/11 was bragging that his building was now the largest in Lower Manhattan (and it was not even true).

– Brian Klaas (@brianklaas)
July 29, 2019

After Trump's story, rumors began, as the President could not immediately answer questions about when he had visited the Twin Towers or the length of his presence. His statements attracted attention and, after the revelation of the images, it was discovered that the president's story was one of his most cruel lies. "polish your image".


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