Discover why Australians are going to draw salt against the sky


Authorities in Australia will be tasked with protecting the Great Barrier Reef from the adverse consequences of global warming.

The Great Barrier Reef – the largest coral reef in the world, more than 2,600 km long – is located off the coast of Australia and is one of the major tourist attractions of the country and the planet. whole.

In 1981, the Great Barrier Reef was declared a World Heritage Site, according to Unesco. In the past two years, the coral reef has been negatively impacted by the increase in seawater temperature.

The country's authorities were concerned about the problem and allocated about $ 1.5 million to attract innovative ideas. According to one of the selected proposals, the sea salt crystals could stop the sun's rays once pulled towards the clouds, explains Daily Mail.

The expert from the Australian Institute of Marine Sciences, David Mead, said the method can be effective, as ridiculous as it sounds.

See also: Do ​​green turtles have their days counted? Climate change is wreaking havoc

Among other proposals, the media mention the idea of ​​covering the Great Barrier Reef with a solar biofuel shield

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