Discriminated for long hair, he could not enter his diploma and saw the ceremony on Facebook Live | the Chronicle


A father denounced through a video that his son could not graduate from the fourth grade because a teacher had filed a claim for the haircut.

The discriminatory situation that occurred The Salesians of La Serena was saved and shared on social networks, where it went viral within minutes.

In the video you can see the moment when Jaime Espinoza berates the teacher for not allowing his son to participate in the end of year ceremony.

“I am here at the Salesianos school, my son is not allowed to take a baccalaureate. Professor Mario Torres won’t let him do a bachelor’s degree because of my son’s haircut“, Explain.

“They quote him early and don’t let him in just because of the haircut. To me, that’s discrimination from the school,” added.

Seconds later, you can see the teacher who did not allow the student to graduate with his classmates, although he did not provide any alternatives.

Since it has not been resolved, the young man ended up watching the graduation ceremony on Facebook Live and away from his peers and the people he has spent the whole year with.

What did the father say about the discrimination against his son?

“That day I left my son at the school gate and left. About five minutes later they called me and said ‘your son cannot finish his degree at because of the haircut he has, “” he said.

“He was violated in his rights as a student, he was discriminated against for a hairstyle that was not going to affect his university and his degree at all”, he denounced.

“From the school, there was no communication from the presbytery or the teacher. The damage is done, the school with which he communicates and apologizes for the situation would suffice”, He continued.

The parent center version

The president of the establishment’s parents’ center, Ruben Molina, assured that Professor Mario Torres, whom the father of the young man blames, indicated that: “The pupil entered the school, the father was called by phone, the father went but there was no more dialogue. It was suggested that the pupil undo his braids so that he could enter the room. central courtyard with his classmates. “

“There was an admission of some students who had long hair but took it”added.

Discharge of the superintendent of education

The Superintendent of Education, Christian O’Ryan, assured that An ex officio complaint was filed and a file was requested from the school to clarify the facts.

If he recalled that establishments must have internal regulations, “They must obey criteria of proportionality and a fair and rational process.”

In addition, “Participation in academic activities cannot be prohibited for appearance, personal presentation, for not having school texts or for the uniform”.

The disparate opinions on social media

The debate on this case inevitably reached social media and the opinion of the people was really divided.

While, on the one hand, there were users who expressed their disgust for the “little humanity” school, others spoke out in favor of respecting the school’s internal regulations.

“Impossible not to know that you should not have hair like that in a Salesian school”, one user said.


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