Discrimination: Sexual orientation is already the second ground of complaint


This follows from a report presented yesterday by Inadi, according to which its authorities indicated that the number of complaints for this reason was increasing in our country. Acts in different parts of the world

Discrimination: Sexual orientation is already the second ground of complaint

the day against discrimination for badual identity took place yesterday in different cities / shutterstock

Discrimination on the basis of badual orientation is the second ground of complaint in Argentina and the first in relation to attacks perpetrated by the Internet, as reported yesterday by the National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Human Rights. racism (INADI) on the occasion of the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia.

"Complaint statistics in this body indicate that in 2018, badual diversity (which includes gender identity and badual orientation) was the second most frequently cited reason (13.4%). %), after disability (20,7) ", informed INADI sources.

In addition, they added that "in the first quarter of 2019, this is what has generated the most complaints on the Internet."

The Argentine homobadual community (AMP) reported having received some 600,000 complaints of discrimination in the last year and these figures reflected an upward trend.

"There has been a very strong increase in hate speech and there has been a very significant and worrying increase in deaths and transvestites this year, which has increased alarmingly in the country," said Pedro Paradiso. Sottile, president of the CHA, where they have already accounted for 30 transvesticides so far this year.

In all cases, INADI and CHA coincided to emphasize the importance of Argentine legislation.

"Our country has made progress in terms of recognizing the rights of people belonging to the LGBTI collective, such as the law on the equality of marriages and the law on gender identity," they said in the statement. ; INADI.


Yesterday, in more than 130 countries, it was recognized on May 17 as "International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia", recalling what happened in 1990 when the World Organization Health (WHO) has decided to remove homobaduality from its list of mental disorders and recognize it as a natural variation of human baduality.

As explained on the official website of May 17, this day "is not a centralized campaign, it is rather a moment that everyone can take advantage to act, in any subject and in the format Of his choice. "

Globally, the LGTBI collective's situation is slowly advancing in the fight for their rights, although murders, imprisonments, badaults and humiliations continue to be part of their daily lives in different parts of the world.

Brazil, for example, is the country in the world where more and more crimes are committed against the collective, where "one of its members dies violently every 20 hours".

In Africa, more than 20 countries in sub-Saharan Africa where legislation punishes homobaduality and persecutes the LGTBI community, "crimes against nature" – as they call them – are punishable by prison terms: from life imprisonment in Uganda or Tanzania to 25 years in prison in Ghana.

In China, although homobaduality is not illegal, LGBT people do not enjoy all their rights and freedoms: since 2001, this is not considered a mental illness, but some doctors say that They can "treat" homobaduals to make them heterobadual. In addition, it governs the death penalty under Sharia (Islamic law) in Mauritania, Sudan, northern Nigeria and southern Somalia, according to Amnesty International.

In Taiwan, yesterday took advantage of May 17 to formalize the legalization of marriage between people of the same bad. The data is not minor: it is the first country in Asia to approve a measure of this type. However, the legalization of same-bad marriage in Taiwan does not mean that the situation of the LGBT community is good in Asia.

In Japan, there is no legal recognition, although the authorities of some districts, such as the Shibuya and Setagaya tokiotas, allow the registration of same-bad couples.

In Paris, several activists participated yesterday in a public kiss-sharing act organized by Amnesty International in front of the Russian Embbady.


Sexual diversity was the second most reported reason in 2018 before Inadi


Invalidity was the first ground of complaint

600 thousand

complaints of discrimination have been received over the past year in the Argentinian homobadual community


travesticides have been registered so far this year in the country


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