Disturbed man stabbed policeman at police station | the Chronicle


A man stabbed a police officer to death today at a police station in Rambouillet, a city in the suburbs of Paris, before being shot by other police officers, the Versailles prosecutor’s office and other sources linked to the investigation reported .

Hours later, police arrested three people for murdering the woman at the hands of a suspected Tunisian Islamist extremist, who was killed when other officers tried to arrest her.

A judicial source said the three detainees were part of the suspect’s “entourage”, according to the ANSA news agency.

“We will not give in in the fight against Islamist terrorism”, promised the president Emmanuel Macron in a post on Twitter after the attack paying tribute to the victim.

Meanwhile, the French Prime Minister, Jean Castex, and the Minister of the Interior, Gerald Darmanin, went to the police station in this wealthy and generally peaceful town of 26,000 inhabitants, located about 60 kilometers southwest of the French capital.

“Our determination in the fight against terrorism, in all its forms, remains intact,” reiterated the Prime Minister to the press, who denounced a “barbaric act of limitless cruelty” against “a daily heroine”.

“I want to tell the police that I share their excitement and their outrage”, added.

According to the first elements of the investigation, the 49-year-old administrative official was stabbed twice in the throat at the cry of Allahu Akbar (Allah is the greatest) as she returned from her lunch break.

“Horror targets and hits the police again”, The Alianza Police Union reacted on its Twitter social network account.

The alleged assailant, a 36-year-old Tunisian national, died shortly after when another police officer shot him dead, according to a security force source quoted by AFP news agency.

The victim, a mother of two, initially suffered cardiac arrest and died shortly after, despite medics intervening.

The attacker arrived in France illegally in 2009, but had since obtained a residence permit, said a police source, adding that he had no criminal record and had just moved to Rambouillet.

In recent years, there have been several knife attacks in France, one of the most memorable of which occurred on October 16, 2020, when in this same department of the country (Yvelines) a high school teacher was beheaded by an 18-year-old. .

The French antiterrorist prosecution will be in charge of the investigation into the attack on the police officer in Rambouillet “because of the modus operandi of the aggressor, his objective and the place where the events occurred”, reported the chain of French television BFMTV.


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