Disturbing walk in a ruined pavilion of the former children's hospital


Disturbing walk in a ruined pavilion of the former children's hospital | MDZ online

They were not born there. They also do not know that their parents could be born there. But they embarked on conquest. It is a group of young people who explore forgotten places with their cameras, looking for the best locations. They are between 15 and 18 years old and do not deprive themselves of anything.

Among all the fears (and supervised by an adult), one of their research led them along the alleys of San Martin Park to a building easily accessible by the fall of a fence. It was one of the pavilions that survived the demolitions and / or reforms of the former Emilio Civit Hospital, at the bottom of what was once his guard, where the Máximo Arias photography room is today operational.

Instead, they realized that they were not pioneers because they had found walls entirely painted with murals and graffiti, but also those who could use the site of A night shelter after a daily life in the streets of Mendoza.

How long ago did nobody come to show how old these pavilions were? Incalculable

In MDZ, we recounted historical data from Mendoza and many referred to the health system, including the old "provincial hospital". We talked about this place. Watch the video above or below, where you want.

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