Divers met face to face with a 7-meter anaconda – News


Two cameramen made a striking encounter with an anaconda and filmed it very closely in the waters of the Formoso River, located in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul, near the town of Bonito.

Filming took place in July. At that time, these animals wake up from their hibernation and it is easier to find them in the water. However, the final production has been known in recent days by the agency NewsFlare.

Bartolomeo Bove and Juca Ygarape, divers who went through with the specimen of about 90 kilos, were working extremely close to the animal, which was walking alongside the two strangers, almost undeterred.

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The shots have an impact because they show very closely the eyes and the movement of the bifida tongue of the snake. Even in 3:43 minutes, it looks like it almost brushes the camera.

As Bove explains, one of the professional cameramen, the rivers of this region are the only ones in the world where diving with anacondas is allowed.

"As the pictures show, the anaconda is nothing calm and peaceful, it is completely indifferent to our presence.This behavior contradicts the myth that it would act from a aggressive and violent creature, "he said.


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