Division in the PJ of Córdoba for the visit of Cristina Kirchner


Campora wants you to present his book; doubts about the Fernández sector Credit: Citizen Unit Press

CÓRDOBA.- Local Kichnerism and Peronism balance to avoid exposing their divisions. While daily, in the area headed by Governor Juan Schiaretti, steps are being taken to convince lawmakers and mayors that the campaign for the short ballot is a priority, they are organizing the landing of Alberto Fernández, the Front from Todos.

before the PASSES.

Also The Cámpora works for that

Cristina Kirchner



present your book. But the areas most connected with Fernandez prefer that this visit be delayed as much as possible, since they admit that the figure of the former president generates resistance in the country's most anti-Kirchner district.

Schiaretti has already said that he would receive all competitors for the presidency to come to Córdoba and request a hearing, so that Fernandez has the guaranteed photo. But not the support of the president. "The Peronism of Córdoba does not support any presidential candidate and the important thing is not what the governor or other leaders say." The important thing is that Cordoba needs national MPs to defend the province, because nobody will have a majority in Congress, "he said. .

The senator and president of the Cordonian Peronism, Carlos Caserio, admitted that there were conversations between Fernandez and the governor to prepare a coffee. If during the landing of Fernandez Schiaretti is in Córdoba (he planned a trip in search of funding), he would have met, as he was with Miguel Pichetto.

The effort of the candidate will be implemented this time – if he wins – Córdoba will not be "discriminated". It will not be easy to convince the governor, who insists before him to tell him that he does not believe in the "new" Cristina Kirchner.

At meetings that the Minister of Government, Carlos Mbadei; the elected legislator (and the wife of Schiaretti), Alejandra Vigo, and the candidates to the national deputies Carlos Gutiérrez and Oscar González have kept with the leaders of Cordova, the demand is repeated: avoid the photos with the members of the formula from Kirchner and do not cancel the check that there is a freedom of action – support for the presidential vote.

Change – he rejoined again – he will bet strongly on the figure of Mauricio Macri, who would come Friday with Pichetto. It would not be the only president's visit to the province before the primaries. Despite the failure of the provincial vote, members of the list of MPs, led by Mario Negri, will follow Marcos Peña's campaign script. At the 2015 PASO in Cordoba, José Manuel de la Sota won – he competed with Sergio Mbada in the UNA Front -, second place went to Mauricio Macri and the third away to Daniel Scioli. Now, Roberto Lavagna appears on the board, who, when he was presidential candidate in 2007, scored his best result in that district (35.2%) and 12 points more than Cristina Kirchner.



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