Divorce record: a woman asked to dissolve her marriage 3 minutes after her marriage – 02/10/2019


From the promise of eternal love to the break in just 180 seconds. This rough road is the one that visited a couple in Kuwait after the woman decided to ask for a divorce from his new husband only three minutes after his marriage. This is the fastest separation in the history of this country and perhaps the world.

The details of the story are gradually made public. The reason that led the bride to seek a divorce were the jokes her husband gave her when she fell off the ceremony.

"Stupid"he shouted laughing, according to testimonies collected by the local media. This mockery aroused the anger of the woman who did not even leave the register of civil status: she got up, returned, and he asked the justice of the peace to dissolve the marriage.

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Between the "Yes, I want" and the insult took only three minutes. The names of the couple were not known and there was no previous situation of conflict or violence having an impact on the sudden decision of the woman.

His reaction has provoked a wave of support in social networks. "If that's how you act from the beginning, you'd better leave it," commented a Twitter user. Another wrote: "A marriage without respect is a failure".

According to Q8 News, it is the fastest divorce in the history of Kuwait, and probably the whole world. Another similar case is that of a Dubai couple who divorced 15 minutes after his marriage, reported the Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia.

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