Do coronavirus vaccines contain substances prohibited by Islam?


The new challenge of Malaysia fighting the coronavirus pandemic means realizing allay the fear of local Muslims that vaccines contain substances prohibited by Islam.

the Muzakarah Special Committee, of National council for Islamic affairs, of Malaysia met on Thursday to discuss the use of the vaccine. The result is expected to be known next week after being presented to the king for his consent, state news agency Bernama reported on Friday, citing the Minister of Religious Affairs, Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri.

Muslim religious authorities have previously excluded vaccines from strict halal labeling in cases where no alternatives are available. Nevertheless, concerns about treatments containing items prohibited by Islamic law, such as Pig DNA, continue to persist in Muslim-majority countries, including Indonesia, the largest nucleus of virus infections in Southeast Asia.

“Let us not complicate the situation by adopting a view of rigid jurisprudence for the Muslim community,” he said. Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin, mufti or religious leader, for the state of Perlis, in a publication of Facebook after attending the meeting of Muzakarah Committee. “If case law is for the nation and the general public, it must be oriented to make things easier.”

‘Best option’

Malaysia signed an agreement last week with Pfizer Inc. for the covid-19 vaccine which will cover 6.4 million people, or 20% of its population, at the start of next year. The country is also on the priority list to receive a chinese vaccine, which has been the subject of controversy among Muslims who doubt its halal status. The community represents 61% of the population of Malaysia.

Magnificent said vaccines produced with halal ingredients would be the “best and main option”. Even vaccines produced by processing and turning banned substances into clean compounds are allowed, he noted.

A spike in infections at the end of September forced a partial shutdown in several states, as did the economy of Malaysia 365 billion dollars showed signs of recovery. Daily new cases hit a record high of 2,188 on November 24, more than half of which came from a group linked to accommodation facilities for workers in Top Glove Corp., the world’s largest manufacturer of surgical gloves.


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