Do dogs know when you are sad?


Previous scientific thinking has suggested that dogs can respond to their owner's cry simply with sounds (REUTERS)
Previous scientific thinking has suggested that dogs can respond to their owner’s cry simply with sounds (REUTERS)

Dogs are much more intuitive than people realize and they forge lifelong bonds with their owners.

Previous scientific reflections have suggested that dogs can respond to their owner’s cry simply with sounds.

A 2019 study said that dogs manipulate their facial expressions to better communicate with humans. However, other discussions have suggested that dogs can go even further by noticing the distress of their owners.

ThenDo dogs know when you are sad? A 2016 study on the Lincoln University, UK, suggested that dogs can recognize human emotions. In the research, 17 domestic dogs listened to sounds associated with images in different combinations, displaying either positive or negative emotional expressions.

According to Science Daily, dogs spent much more time looking at facial expressions when sights and sounds matched, for both human and canine subjects, suggesting that the dogs understood the emotions that were displayed.

The inspector Kun guo said, “Previous studies have indicated that dogs can differentiate human emotions from signals like facial expressions, but it’s not the same as emotional recognition. Our workshop shows that dogs have the ability to integrate two different sources of sensory information into a coherent perception of emotions in humans and dogs ”.

It is clear that dogs respond to their owners' discomfort and distress and understand our emotions, both visibly and audibly (Getty Images)
It is clear that dogs respond to their owners’ discomfort and distress and understand our emotions, both visibly and audibly (Getty Images)

“To do it”, he continued, an internal categorization system for emotional states is required. This cognitive ability so far this has only been shown in primates and the ability to do so in all species has only been observed in humans ”.

Another study in 2018, conducted by the researcher Emilie Sanford, the main author of the study Julia Meyers-Manor and others in Ripon College, Wisconsin, has shown that Dogs not only know when you are sad, but they also want to save their owners.

In the study, 34 dogs and owners were separated, and the owners stood behind a transparent door where they had to call for help every 15 seconds, between which they would cry or hum a tune. Their cry for help was to be made in a monotonous or anxious voice, to see if the dogs could recognize when their owners were in trouble.

The study showed that the dogs seemed to understand when their owners were in danger and rushed to their aid, even opening a closed door to reach their owners. Meyers-Manoir said “Dogs want to be with their owners, so even in our condition where dogs were exposed to tinnitus, they still visited their owners about half the time. It seems that the dogs that did not go through the door became more and more stressed crying, but then they became paralyzed and could not do anything ”.

Therefore, It is clear that dogs react to their owners’ discomfort and distress and understand our emotions, both visibly and audibly.


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