Do not be afraid of the cold, the flu is another story


This year is the centenary of the most deadly pandemic of recent years: the 1918 Spanish flu that killed 100 million people, or about 5% of humanity at that time. The flu, different from the commonly known flu or the common cold, is an infection that compromises certain respiratory tracts with the influenza virus.

The way he kills directly is caused by viral pneumonia, a deep infection that damages the membranes. They absorb oxygen from the lungs. According to Carolina Ocampo internist at CES University, "is a complex virus that has a great ability to mutate and every person who changes finds how to escape the immune system in humans."

This disease, very contagious, has not been controlled in the world by this facility with which it mutates. According to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), in the Andean subregion, influenza activity has decreased, except in Colombia, where "its activity remained high badociated with cases of infections acute respiratory diseases (ARI) ".

of July 18, 2018 of this entity ensures that during this period 22 deaths were declared by the IRA, a number greater than the same period in 2017 (10 cases); and there were 345 deaths accumulated by acute respiratory infections in the population under 5 years of age, higher than the same period of the previous year (302 deaths due to acute respiratory infections). Most cases have been reported in Santander, Bolívar and Cauca.

This is why Ocampo suggests using the resources currently available to modern medicine to avoid its consequences. "There is no reason to get sick frequently if measures can prevent it; one of them is vaccination."

The best way to minimize the risk is clear, but far from perfect. Experts suggest ignoring people who claim that vaccination has made them sick.

Ocampo explains that in the case of influenza virus, and because of its mutability, vaccines do not work like measles, which is also produced by a virus, but in this case, it does not change. In the case of influenza virus, it is recommended to apply one dose each year.

It is essential to understand that because the virus is smart enough to deceive the immune system, scientists are looking forward However, this prediction does not coincide exactly with that which will circulate the following year.

That said, the most recent observations suggest that past vaccination can sometimes mean worse flu in years when the vaccine does not fit

Although virologists still do not know what to do, it is Clear that flu vaccines can protect you, especially if you are in a vulnerable group or prone to uncomfortable complications.

The virus produces discomfort that can disappear after two weeks in the very young, the elderly and people with other serious conditions such as: HIV can lead to serious complications of this disease, pneumonia and even death.

Therefore, continues Ocampo, the country's vaccination plan offers the vaccine free of charge to children and the elderly. Similarly, a doctor may justify the need in people with morbid obesity, lung disease, emphysema, pulmonary fibrosis, lung cancer and others, HIV patients and diseases. renal or immunosuppressive therapy such as lupus. 19659002] For the rest of the population, the cost of the vaccine may be about $ 40,000 at that time

It is important to note that the flu and cold viruses are both type respiratory; However, having similar symptoms tend to be considered the same pathology.

According to the Scientific Portal, The Conversation, the researcher Laura Haynes who specializes in Immunology at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine, the flu virus is inhaled or transmitted, usually by the fingers, to the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose or eyes.

an infection of the respiratory tract or nose, throat and lungs.

Carlos Julio Montoya Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Antioquia, adds that "in case of viral infection, the immune system works by recognizing microorganisms and producing a response called inflammation.

So when an influenza infection is miserable, you can be sure that it's because your body is

If you're sick outside of the local flu season (in Colombia the ideal time to get vaccinated is between April and June), it is unlikely that it's about the flu. may have similar symptoms.

The flu feels worse and is more likely to have fever, headache, muscle aches, dry cough and sore throat and possibly in the eyes and joints. . Respiratory problems or other serious symptoms require immediate medical attention.

Children may have vomiting and diarrhea with influenza, although this is not the case for adults. If children become extremely irritable, have difficulty breathing, fever with rash, bluish skin or waking problems, ask for help. In babies, the warning signs are less wet diapers than normal, no tears in tears and difficulty breathing.

At any age, if it seems better and you cough, consult a doctor. The flu can not be treated with antibiotics, but it can cause a secondary bacterial lung infection. New diagnostic tests distinguish colds, influenza and bacterial lung infections, but they are not of general use, which is an important factor in the misuse of antibiotics

Cuenta Ocampo that Medellín there are already laboratories with viral panels to isolate About three years ago, the virus went into service in the country, so for now it is not easy to have access.

Despite these advances, the world seems to be tired by the pandemic announcements of viral infections. 10 years ago, the appearance of H5N1, better known as bird flu, caused widespread panic, but as it was not disaster, the interest declined.

The real problem, according to epidemiologists, is C & # 39; very familiar. This can be gentle except when it is not. Until the flu is recognized as a killer, the techniques to stop can not be improved

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