Do not like to use a condom? Then follow these tips


  condoms, use, men, tips, condom uses,


It happens that the majority of men do not like the ] feeling which provides you with the use of condom the biggest complaint is for the absence of sensitivity that you feel when you are in your partner for this, if you do not like the use of condoms then read on because we will give you very good advice

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Look for a condom that suits you well

Many times for the penalty of buy condoms men choose or ask the first that they see, it's a mistake, since all condoms are not identical, precisely because & ## 39, no penis has the same shape.

Ultra Thin Condoms

Another good tip is to use thin condoms because you feel more like natural to your daughter and do not worry, you have the bad belief that may be easier to break during the debauchery of pbadion with your partner, however, to be ultra thin having double reinforcement in his material .

Condoms with Stretch Marks

So they say in the market and it's only the condom with ] roughness that is to say that n & rsquo; Being matter smooth, your partner will benefit more because he will have several sensations with this particular form of these condoms, informs the Telemetro newspaper.

Importance of the condom

On the other hand, it is necessary to use the condom [1945] 9020] in each badual intercourse from the beginning of the relationship until 39; ;at the end.

First, make sure that the condom envelope is air-tight and is not damaged.

Check the expiry date: The date of manufacture must not exceed 5 years. Failures with the condom are caused by improper use and preservation.

The condom used correctly, not only ensures the power enjoy of a good badual relationship but also raises a virtually insurmountable barrier against AIDS and other diseases of badual transmission collects the portal SaludCCM.

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