Do not look guilty outside of your government


At the end of black Tuesday, during which the risk of country and the dollar have exploded, presidential candidate of the Front of All, Alberto Fernández, was charged with President Mauricio Macri who had tried to free himself from all responsibilities.

Last night, Fernández asked Macri to "not look guilty" for the economic crisis "outside his own government".

"That's what they do not want to take on," said Fernandez in a sentence that he published, accompanied by a graph that records the growth of public debt in dollars and the leak capital in the country from 2016 to the present day.

Along with this message, the Front of All claimant stated: "Mr. President, do not look guilty outside of your own government."

Yesterday, the government held Fernández accountable for the financial market meltdown – with falling stocks, bonds and country risk – as well as the dollar's rebound after more than a week of calm.

>> Read more: The government has accused Alberto Fernández of being responsible for another financial market earthquake

Casa Rosada says that the words of the former chief of staff, accompanied by a statement, after the meeting with the emissaries of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have sparked fear in the markets.

From the government, they think the Peronist candidate broke the truce with the statement issued after the meeting with the IMF.

"Those who have created this crisis, the government and the IMF, have the responsibility to put an end to the social catastrophe that is now going through a growing part of the Argentine society and to reverse it. they must arbitrate each of the media and the necessary policies, "said Fernández's communication team.

The use of the loan of the agency was also questioned and it was denounced that it was used to "finance the flight of capital". The fund must decide to generate $ 5.4 billion in mid-September.


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