The pets the most common human beings are the dogs and the gatos. In the case of felines, it is more than clear that they have their personalities and its peculiarities habits, which make them disturbing, loving and independent.
However, “compared to dogs, less is known about the behavior and personality of cats, and there is a demand to identify the associated problems and risk factors”, believes the specialist. Salla Mikkola, from the University of Helsinki, Finland.
Thus, to learn to anticipate the behavior of cats and their specific needs, cats experts from the University of Helsinki do one study on the behavior of approximately 4,300 cats of 26 breeds.
According to the research, published by the scientific journal MDPI, “identifying a cat’s personality type is important, because cats with different personalities have different environmental needs to achieve a good quality of life.”
To produce the data, the specialists gathered an electronic questionnaire of 138 questions divided into sections on the origin of pets and information related to their health. The questionnaire was then published on the website of the animal welfare service platform Petsofi in March 2019.
“The interest of the study is that the cats were in their natural environment, instead of being subjected to laboratory conditions, and the owners themselves sent data on the behavior of the felines. In addition, the information collection was carried out in two stages. , which made it possible to trace the behavior in the dynamics. Another peculiarity is that the behavior of the animals has been described by a minimum of two people, so that scientists can compare the data obtained and check their reliability, “adds the Rt agency.
By analyzing the search results, they found and described five feline character traits: activity / desire to play, fear, aggression towards humans, sociability towards humans and sociability towards cats.
In addition, two behavioral traits have been added: excessive grooming and litter box problems. The study also showed that different races have different personality types.
“The most formidable breed was the Russian Blue and the least Abyssinian. The Bengal was the most active breed, while the Persian and Exotic were the most passive. The breeds that exhibited the most excessive grooming were the Siamese and Balinese, while the Turkish Van breed scored considerably higher in terms of aggression towards humans and lower sociability with cats, ”adds expert Hannes Lohi.
“The results gave only a rough idea of the different personality types. Finnish researchers plan to conduct more complex research, which will even take into account” the cat’s age, sex, health and a wide range of environmental factors “., closes the agency.
Mdpi, Petsofi, Rt, ExpertoAnimal, Youtube.
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