Do you want to try canned wine?

The canned wine proposal includes colorful patterns and various designs. (Photo: Courtesy)

A new challenge arises in the world of wine lovers, in order to make it accessible to a larger number of people and at a lower cost to consumers. Thus, the Santa Julia winery was encouraged to try this option and showed some of its canned products, although it is estimated that in the short term, it will not be the only innovative company.

"This new packaging preserves the quality standards of wine and is now available in the US This once again confirms our constant innovation!", Celebrated since the company through social networks. And this is just one example of an industry looking to open up to new markets and reach a younger audience, who in most cases choose other drinks. "clbad =" wp-image-903680 jetpack-lazy-image "data-lazy-src =" uploads / 2019/02 / 52382625_10155726750146082_3510666028201803776_o.jpg? is-waiting-load = 1 "srcset =" data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAAAAAAAAPA / APP

The truth is that this initiative had already been announced when the National Viticulture Institute (INV) approved the fractionation and marketing of wine in stainless steel containers. This generates another put option also for gourmet shops, with the offer of wine by the glbad and not yet bottled.

However, This is not the first opportunity that this business is generated; However, more than ten years ago, an Argentine company exported canned wine to different markets under the Iron Wine brand before ceasing operations. And much earlier, there were other antecedents, because in the decade of 90, the INV had approved this type of packaging.

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