Doctor accused of killing Covid patients to free intensive care beds breaks silence | the Chronicle


Carlo Mosca, the 47-year-old Italian doctor accused of killing coronavirus patients to free intensive care beds, broke the silence after being placed under house arrest and assured that this was the case. “innocent” and that the complaints against him are “unfounded”.

The incident for which Mosca is accused occurred in March 2020, when Covid-19 was rampant in Italy and images of patients being treated to their best in the corridors of collapsed hospitals could be seen.

The prosecutor Federica ceschi three months ago, ordered Mosca to be placed under house arrest, as he was prosecuted for the offenses of aggravated double homicide and counterfeiting. Thus, the doctor is being held at his home in Mantua.

Montichiari Hospital, where Mosca worked.

“I am innocent. I am absolutely serene”the doctor said amid the controversy, after being studied to inject lethal doses of anesthetics into patients Christmas Bassi, 61 years old, already Angelo Paletti, 80, who was in intensive care at Montichiari hospital, near Brescia.

Natale was a diabetic patient with heart disease and died on March 20. Angelo died two days later.

Mosca also allegedly murdered 3 other people, after havinga Police investigated a change made by the hospital’s emergency manager to the medical records of deceased patients.

The “useless” anesthesia applied by the Italian doctor

According to investigations by prosecutors, it is estimated that the doctor administered succinilcolina and propofol, which were normally used in the ward to anesthetize Covid-19 patients and thus be able to connect them to ventilators.

However, patients who received the drugs were never intubated, so the use of anesthesia would have been “useless”say the specialists.

For their part, the nurses suspected Mosca of having killed patients to make room in the intensive care room in charge. In this sense, the hospital saw a 70% increase in orders for these drugs between November 2019 and April 2020, but only five patients received tubes during this period.

WhatsApp messages from nurses who hurt Mosca

An anonymous report was filed in late April and the legal documents contain WhatsApp messages suggesting Mosca attempted to get nurses to cover his tracks.

“Did he ask you to administer the drugs without intubating them?”one nurse asked the other in a WhatsApp message. “I kill patients just because he wants to free the beds.” Yes “It’s madness”the other health professional responded.

According to what they said from the prosecutor’s office, Mosca asked the nurses to “agreeing on an appropriate version of the story” while “making them tell lies”.

“This has never happened to me before”said a nurse, whose lawyers also claimed Mosca asked her colleagues to leave the room when he administered the drugs.


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