Doctor uses sperm to increase chances of pregnancy by inseminating 49 women | Chronic


The Dutch court has cleared a DNA test that confirmed on Friday that the doctor Jan Karbaat, who died in 2017, 49 women were inseminated with their own sperm. and he did it in his clinic in Barendrecht, near Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

In addition, Karbaat has 22 biological children with three different wives, making him the father of at least 71 people. In the same proportion, it is hundreds of people born by artificial insemination who claim that justice allows them to undergo a DNA test to know if they are children of the doctor.

The plaintiff group's lawyer, Tim Buetersbadured on Friday that the people affected are "pleased to be able to put an end to years of uncertainty"because Karbaat and his wife refused to submit to the tests, fearing, among other things, to claim their inheritance.

Jan Karbaat It is suspected that he inseminated hundreds of women with his own sperm. (Archives)

Three months ago, a court granted this authorization to people who wanted to check their DNA with that of the doctor through several items for personal use, stored in a secret and locked.

For his part and after the request of Karbaat's family, the judge stated that "If you used your own sperm as a doctor, without communicating at that time, your widow and your heirs can no longer claim now that the doctor's anonymity is respected. ".

I also read: A fertility doctor used his sperm to become pregnant with more than 50 women

In addition, the wife of the former director of the clinic is immune from any liability. It should be remembered that in 2016, Karbaat revealed during an interview that he had mixed his sperm with that of several donors, which increased the possibility that the patient became pregnant.

Likewise, he always refused to pbad DNA tests in order to verify the suspicions and told the complainants that they were "mothers dissatisfied with the result"D & # 39; insemination.


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