Doctrine Chocobar in Brazil: Soldiers fired by mistake against a family


According to experts, the soldiers shot more than 80 shots and killed the father of the family., Evaldo dos Santos RosaA 51-year-old musician who was driving the car, which included his wife, father-in-law, 7-year-old son, and 13-year-old daughter, the victim's father-in-law and a pbader-by, were injured.

D & # 39; First The army reported that the soldiers fired in response to an alleged attack, but the authorities later found inconsistencies in the statements. involved and made the decision to stop, suspend and submit them to a process of the military justice system.

"Because of the inconsistencies identified between the initially reported facts and other information subsequently received by the East Military Command, the immediate suspension of the forces involved was determined and sent to the Military Judicial Police Station for further investigation. Personalized testimonies "reported a statement from the army.

"Everything indicates that the army has really They confused the car with a bandit vehicle. But in this vehicle was a family. No weapons were found. All determined that it was a normal, good family, which ended up being a victim of the army. I do not see any signs of self defense, for the number of shots"said the Commissioner of the Civilian Police Leonardo Salgado.

The army badumed control of public security in Rio de Janeiro in February 2018 in the face of the wave of violence shaking the city, where official statistics show about 6,000 deaths a year for this cause. .

The proportion of the use of force by security forces in Brazil is a topic of discussion and many cases of reports have been reported.

Last week, for example, the police killed eleven alleged bank robbers on the outskirts of San Pablo, in an operation during which no security officer was reported injured.


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