Does Queen Máxima escape taxes in Río Negro?


In turn, the President of the Front Large rionegrino, July AcavalloHe asked that the Provincial tax collection agency investigating the tax situation of the Zorreguieta and other foreign millionaires like Joe Lewis, owner of a stay at The bag, which have properties in Black River.

The denunciations that dot the Dutch crown stem from journalistic investigations warning that a hotel of almost 800 square meters built in the living room Pilpilcura, property of the queen Maximum Zorreguieta and his brothers Juan e Agnes (died last year), does not have commercial authorization function as tourist accommodation and was not declared in Registry of the cadastre of Río Negro.

According to a check, he did Telam on the web of The rents from Rio Negro, the property of Zorreguieta pay the Property tax but has not yet listed the most recent improvements that include most of the hotel's construction, including 5 first-clbad rooms, a restaurant, a dining room and recreation rooms overlooking the area's landscape . Patagonia.


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In addition, the sources of the region Cadastre they said to Rio Negro Newspaper and then confirmed that the owners of the property they did not introduce the "improvements" according to what the Provincial Law 3,483, with which the tax is imposed in relation to an old structure and a smaller dimension to which it actually belongs. In turn, the Mayor of Pilcaniyeu, responsible for issuing permits and building permits in the region, said that the owners of the "no" complex have made the process of commercial authorization for the establishment that receives tourists in the Cordillera.

"The hotel works with the tourists, we know it, but they never came here to do the commercial authorization process as tourist accommodation, so they can not pay the taxes that affect the activity, they must appear monotributistes"The mayor said Nestor Ayuelef. Regarding this situation, the head of the commune warned: "I would need a lot more employees to control what is built in the fields and I do not have that budget".

The stay is located in a desert paradise geography of the south, crossed by the river Pichileufu, just 40 kilometers from Pilcaniyeu and is currently administered by the maternal aunt of the queen, Marcela Cerrutti Carricart.

"We pay taxes and I have nothing to explain to anyone", he told him Cerrutti Carricart.

In the midst of criticism over the suspicion of irregularities in the payment of taxes, the Great front in Rio Negro asked that the Tax collection agency investigate the tax situation of Zorreguieta and other magnates who have properties in the province.

Moreover, the news of this possible escape generated in Holland a strong controversy within the government and social democratic parties PvdA and Democrats 66 they asked for a report on this subject to the Prime Minister, Mark Rutte.


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