Dog inherited 5 “green sticks” after the death of his owner | the Chronicle


After the death of the American businessman Bill Doris, her pet, a border collie named Lulu, received a $ 5 million inheritance (442 “palos”).

According to media in Nashville, Tennessee, man’s last will was this money, sheltered in a special fund, was allocated to the costs of dog care.

“Five million dollars will be transferred to a trust that will be created after my death to take care of my border collie Lulu […] to meet all your needs “, establishes the will of the employer. However, the document does not detail what will happen to this sum of money on the day of the death of 8-year-old Lulu.

The dog is now in the care of Martha Burton, a friend of the deceased. “Frankly, I don’t know what to think about it, to tell the truth. He really liked the dogSays Lulu’s new owner. While he admits there’s no way to spend $ 5 million on the dog, he confessed he’d like to give it a try.

Dorris’ estate is currently being inherited and transferred to the fund which will be used for Lulu’s benefit.


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