Dogs and cats will be tested for coronavirus in Seoul …


The government of Seoul, the capital of South Korea, announced that from this week Cat and dog owners can test their pets for coronavirus. The measure was ordered after a case of Covid-19 was detected in a cat, indicating it could turn on unforeseen sources of contagion.

The measure is preventive, because there is no scientific evidence yet that pets can infect humans. This was explained by the city government’s disease control official, Park Yoo-mi.

According to the authorities, If the animals show symptoms such as fever, cough, apnea, vomiting, diarrhea, runny nose or excessive delay, they can be tested. and, if necessary, be locked in special facilities to prevent them from transmitting the virus to people.

A special team, which will include a veterinarian and other health workers, will perform the tests near the house where the animal lives. If your test is positive, you will need to quarantine yourself for 14 days at home.

The alerts were activated when, on January 24, first case of coronavirus infection in a cat in Jinju city, in the south-east of the country.

If owners are unable to care for their pets because they are hospitalized with Covid-19, have an underlying illness, or are elderly, the animal will be isolated at a facility run by the authorities in western Seoul.

Please keep your dogs at least two meters away from people and other pets when walking, and strictly adhere to measures against the virus, such as using a mask and washing hands, ”the official asked, quoted by the Yonhap agency.


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