Dollar It rose by almost $ 4.5 and exceeded $ 62: how much it reached in each bank


The dollar has opened upward today Source: THE NACION

President Mauricio Macri has anticipated this morning the opening of markets and
announced a series of economic measures designed to contain the financial turbulence that has occurred since Monday after the OSP. However, after a brief appreciation of the national currency in the first minutes of the wheel, the US currency resumed its upward trend and added nearly 4.5 dollars in the day.

The retail price was almost at the end of the wheel at $ 62.18, according to the daily average set by the Central Bank. It thus accumulated an increase of 3.85 dollars compared to the closing of Tuesday (58.33 dollars). At the National Bank, the dollar has reached $ 63, as in other private financial entities.

The dollar opened at $ 58 at Banco Nación and at $ 59.30 on average in the city – Source: Telam


On the wholesale market, the value of the dollar increased by $ 4.42 over the previous closing ($ 55.65) and closed at $ 60.08. This implies a 7.95% increase in the exchange rate at the wheel.

Yesterday, the dollar closed at 58.33 dollars on average daily between the entities executed by the BCRA
Yesterday, the dollar closed at 58.33 dollars on average daily between the entities executed by the BCRA Source: LA NACION – Credit: Silvana Colombo

The currencies of the region today display a similar trend to that of Argentina. While the Uruguayan peso depreciates by 1.03%, the real falls by 1.71%, the Mexican peso by 1.66% and the Chilean by 0.89%.

In contrast, the country risk is 1946 points, 175 points higher than the closing value of yesterday (1771), up 9.9% over the day. The indicator prepared by JP Morgan, which measures the risk differential of bonds and local debt securities, has risen by 149.70% since the beginning of the month.

Monday, the exchange rate of the wholesale market has depreciated by 16.96% and yesterday, the dollar has returned to its strength, exceeding even $ 60 in some banks during the first hours of the wheel, although he has then retreated. According to the average daily between the entities carried out by the Central Bank (BCRA), the currency closed Tuesday at $ 58.33, or $ 1.03 more than the previous closing ($ 57.30).



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