Dollar today: the currency has reversed the initial rise and the market believes that it was thanks to the intervention of the Central Bank


The dollar has seen another day of stability since it has only gone up 4 cents, closed at $ 46.12 and in the market believe that this was partly due to the intervention of the central bank. By noon, the wholesaling currency exceeded $ 45 but with the pbadage of the hours, it returned to its starting price. Stock traders claim that the monetary entity has sold future dollar contracts keep the American currency at bay.

The external climate was favorable for the country, with a reduced country risk as well as rising stocks and bonds. In this context, the exchange rate started the day with an increase in demand that matched the typical investor and investor coverage at the beginning of the month.

When the wholesale dollar had already surpbaded $ 45, began to reverse the trend to close very close to the open value on Thursday. The operators read in this symptom a intervention of the Central Bank on the dollar futures market. Through the sale of contracts of this type, has managed to reduce demand.

"The North American currency worked with marked volatility, in another round in which it is presumed that the BCRA was active in the futures markets, "said Gustavo Quintana of PR Cambios. does not publicly account he had interventions of this type.

At the same time, the double auction of the Ministry of Finance of u $ 60 million that he does every day and clearance of the agro-export sector, which continue to increase, manage to inject enough supply.

The organization headed by Guido Sandleris also continued this Thursday with the gradual lowering of Leliq's interest rate. This time, it reached the 70% level for the first time since the end of April. Thus, the performance of this instrument negotiated by BCRA with the banks was on track. 69.96%.

The head of the IMF, Christine Lagarde, admitted that she had underestimated the "incredibly complicated situation" of Argentina's economy, indicating that the country's main lender currently recognizes the fragility of the Argentine economy.

The director of the multilateral credit agency, which approved almost a year ago a loan of 57 billion dollars to the country, said that the implementation of the program agreed with the Minister of Finance, Nicolás Dujovne, "will end up being a successful plan."


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