Dollar today: the currency rises and stands above the $ 46 pending the data of inflation


The dollar was trading higher on Wednesday in the country and rising in the world, after China released worse-than-expected activity data, leaving investors questioning the strength of the dollar. world economy in full commercial battle between the two great powers.

Wholesaling rose 1.17% to $ 45.50 and the retailer sold $ 46.40 to Banco Nacion early in the exchange.

In the first minutes of the day, the US currency is putting pressure on emerging currencies, such as the real (Brazil) and the Mexican peso. The national currency was evolving at the same pace, while waiting for the impact of local news on prices.

On the one hand, Indec will release this afternoon the consumer price index (CPI) for April, which is expected to be around 4%. The government said it would be pleased that the monthly data begin with three.

If the agency confirmed the forecasts of private consultants, prices would increase by 16% in the first quarter, by 56% in the last twelve months and by 210% since the arrival of Mauricio Macri at Casa Rosada.

On the other hand, investors tend to react to political news, such as the suspension of the trial of former President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and the meeting the senator held on Tuesday with PJ leaders.

The day before, the dollar had fallen 23 cents, according to the average established by the Central Bank (BCRA) on the slates of the city of Buenos Aires. Thus, it showed a tranquility in spite of the commercial war between the United States and China: the Asian giant announced Monday tariff measures in retaliation against those launched by the president Trump last week.

In this context, the Central Bank was able to lower the Leliq rate to 71.63%.

News in development being updated.


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