Dollar today: the currency was trading down as the world took a break amidst the tension between the United States and China


The dollar fell by 30 cents at the start of trading on Tuesday and the wholesale exchange rate was sold at $ 45 after President Donald Trump said he expected progress in the negotiations between the states. United States and China. The average selling price in the banks was $ 46.16, according to the Central Bank Register (BCRA).

The average published by the BCRA from the price of the different banking entities reflects a drop of 23 cents in the retail sale of the US currency compared to the first day of the week.

This tranquility is due to a breathe the news of the markets from the outside. In this context, the BCRA was able to slightly reduce the Leliq rate and proceeded to the auctions for $ 60 million at an average price of $ 44.95.

Currencies and emerging markets have resumed ground after the losses of recent weeks, when the international conflict escalated after a series of tweets from the US president and the imposition of new tariffs about Chinese products in this country. On Monday, China responded that it would introduce higher taxes on products of US origin.

On the first day of the week, the peso closed with a devaluation of 0.66%, along with the depreciation of other emerging currencies and the greater risk aversion globally. The Central Bank's intervention in the futures market and the latent threat of being able to sell reserves to contain volatility helped contain expectations and the retail exchange rate closed at an average of $ 46.39 .

The news of the day was the offer by the Treasury of four dollar-related letters, to replace the 2019 Dual that will be paid on May 20 at this day's benchmark exchange rate. The four letters expire in staggered form between September and December of this year.

The tender of Leliq by the BCRA, while it was due for 215 203 million euros, terminated its attributions with a total of 197,163 million to one average rate of 71.627%, leaving 18.040 million pesos without renewal.


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