Dollar Today: up for the second day in a row amid the US-China trade dispute


In its wholesale version, it is advancing compared to the closing of yesterday Credit: Shutterstock

US dollar is now on the rise for the second consecutive day in the midst of the trade conflict between the US and


. In this way, the Argentine peso accompanies the trend of devaluation of the other currencies of the market


. In its wholesale version, the US dollar is trading at $ 44.89 at 10:36 am, 21 cents higher than the close of yesterday.

Banco Nación, which generally has one of the lowest prices on the market, was sold at the same time at $ 45.90. Other private entities offer it at 46.30 dollars.

At the start of the tour in Argentina, other emerging currencies show contrasting trends. Against the dollar, the South African rand earns 0.15%. Meanwhile, they lose the Turkish lira (0.99%); the real (0.52%); the Mexican peso (0.40%) and the Chilean peso (0.51%).

The US dollar is gaining momentum on a global scale. The dollar index, which measures the value of the currency relative to others like the euro or the yen, rose this morning by 0.18%.

Yesterday was complicated for emerging markets because of the resurgence of
Trade Dispute between the United States and China: Trump announced Sunday an increase in tariffs from 10% to 25% on products imported from the Asian country.


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