Dollar today: very volatile, close to $ 45 – 04/05/2019


The dollar started the day up on Friday, then sank back and rose again. At Banco Nación, he advances 40 cents and quoted at $ 44.80. Thursday had closed at an average of $ 44.41.

On the wholesale market, he has taken the same path. After noon, it rises 44 cents and rises to $ 43.85. This is the place where companies and banks operate and whose movements are then transferred to the retail market. In the market, he maintains that the currency has resumed its rise once the Central Bank has withdrawn from the futures market.

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Monday to Friday afternoon.

The dollar is also rising in Brazilalthough he falls in Mexico and Chile.

In the first Leliq auction of the day, during which $ 142,184 million was awarded, the average it was 67.445%.

The operators are aware of the meeting that the board of the Monetary Fund will hold this Friday. The data collected by the representatives of the organization during their February visit and the economic variables will be evaluated.

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IMF to approve new USD 10.8 billion disbursement, which is the money that the Treasury will start selling to meet its expenses and, in the process, will somewhat relieve the market, which has no offer Agro-exporters' dollars make you wait.

The rise of the dollar went hand in hand with a rate cut that validates the Central Bank. Thursday, the rate that pays for the Leliq dropped for the second day in a row, to be 67.69%.



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