Dollar today: with the permanent presence of the Central Bank, the currency is trading at $ 57 in banks


After two consecutive losses, following the new Central Bank strategy (BCRA), traders are trading the dollar around $ 55 in the wholesale segment from the city of Buenos Aires.

Banks and bureaux de change have meanwhile posted the US dollar slightly above $ 57 at the retail. The National Bank puts it at this value as a reference for the rest.

Finance Minister Hernán Lacunza said the government would not allow a new "irrational exchange rate". This is why BCRA President Guido Sandleris has since this week proposed several reserve auctions to contain the prize.

The monetary entity Wednesday placed $ 94 million in international reserves and an additional $ 60 million in the name of the Treasury, although he had to do it in several batches because the operators bought less currencies than those offered.

In the local and international scenarios, the Argentine indicators indicated numbers in green: country risk It went down to about 1800 basis points, the Merval 27,942 units and shares of companies rebounded in Wall Street.

News in development being updated.


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