Dolores: thermal baths very close to the sea coast


Thermal baths near the sea

It's an option for those who choose to stop on the way to the beaches of Buenos Aires

DOLORES.- The glbad surrounding the indoor pool is fogged by the contrast of a winter afternoon with a thermal sensation almost below zero and an average temperature of 43 ° C which corresponds to the average water in which swimmers abound, some for leisure, others looking for therapeutic results which, for pains and other affections, promise thermal baths.

For the first time as part of the winter holiday offer, she is about to complete her first year of opening to the public and much of her vast space on the site, because the pools are only joining a more ambitious project, the Termas de


begin to settle as a tourist option near the Atlantic coast.

With a wide offer in Entre Ríos and in Uruguay, the thermal complexes develop in the province, where in this band near the coast, they already have their public termas marinas, in San Clemente del Tuyú, and in Médano Blanco, in Necochea . They are part of a larger circuit which, towards the center and north-west, completes those of Carhué, Villarino and General Belgrano.

"The result at that time was more than good, with a good response from the public, especially from Buenos Aires and Mar del Plata, two hours away," he said.
THE NATION Dolores tourism secretary Sara Angelinetti.

The Dolores Leisure Park is located at the north end of the district and, unlike other similar businesses, extends over 44 hectares. It has a 4-star hotel in operation and another three-star under construction, as well as a restaurant for 1,000 guests and a shopping center with more than 40 commercial establishments.

The project also includes the construction of booths that will multiply the accommodation offer with the differential value that involves the possibility of spending the night in the complex. The same thing in hotels that also have their exclusive thermal water mirrors.

Of the four pools, two are fresh water and two salt water. One of them, covered, guarantees to enjoy the place before the risk of bad weather. Its glbad dome and its enclosure guarantee a good indoor temperature. During the winter holidays will be open on weekends for the development of work, explained the head of the place.

Angelinetti acknowledges that the opening of the park was a tourist trigger for this district, accustomed to a demand much more centered on the historical content – its museums are very visited – or its regional festivals, such as the guitar in summer or the one Argentinian cake, which coincides with the week of May.

"The truth is that we are all learning this new tourist rhythm we are experiencing," he explained about the training plans open to hoteliers, foodies and merchants in general, who suddenly find themselves every weekend with a large number of visitors.

The Termas Marinas, in San Clemente del Tuyú, are daily pbades. In winter, the holidays are open every day and its seven pools have calm waters, ideal for relaxation, even with the waves. Médano Blanco, in Necochea, also offers salty and highly mineralized chlorinated waters. In all cases, they are recognized for the benefits of skin, muscle and bone pain and rheumatic processes.


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