Domino effect of deserters in some armed forces. nervous


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At least 180 soldiers have left the army in recent days; Maduro prepares salary increase to reward loyalty

CARACAS.- The domino effect advances in the military ranks of Chavez. Since Sergeant Edgar Torres launched in the early hours of February 23 his tank against the wall fences erected by the revolution on the Simón Bolívar bridge, between the Venezuelan San Antonio and the Colombian Villa del Rosario, he opened the first window to escape. of chavismo, the theft did not stop.

At least 180 Venezuelan soldiers and policemen jumped until yesterday at the border with Colombia and Brazil, according to information from both administrations. They did it in any way, crossing the paths (illegal walks), crossing the bushes or camouflaging themselves with Messi Barça shirts. Some of civilians, others with their uniform; some with their families, others with their anti-drug dogs. Even one of them was injured in the leg by the shot of an old mate.

"I am the first Sergeant Luis Eduardo González, we decided to withdraw from this National Guard, but not because of the institution, but because of the leaders, who are the main corrupt and those who want us to risk our lives for them and not for them People, and we are not like that, gentlemen, I really do not know, how many people did not kill in Santa Elena del Uairén (border with Brazil), we were all the time against, gentlemen. "The frightening testimony of the sergeant during his crossing with other comrades on the Brazilian side served the retired General, General Hebert Garcia, once one of the most powerful soldiers of Chavismo and today in dissent, reproached Nicolás Maduro for not playing the historic star against the Empire, but against your people ".

Another critic of "Chávez's son", General Hugo "El Pollo Carvajal", urged his "brothers of arms to fulfill their national obligations, to defend the people and the Constitution, their loyalty is to the people! " Carvajal, head of counterintelligence with Chavez and Maduro, acknowledged last week the presidency headed by Juan Guaidó and accused Maduro of being a "murderer" and a "dictator".

The head of Parliament took advantage of his stay in Bogota, before the summit of the Lima group, to meet soldiers "who are not deserters, because no soldier stands alongside the people." In an image that is already part of the story of the challenge against the revolution, Guaidó harangued the military and heard how they badured him that many others are about to join their ranks.

The lack of control experienced in the ranks of the Brazilian army at the Brazilian border led to the dismissal of General José Montoya, commander-in-chief of the GNB, who stayed with the Pemones one day after the first violent badault, during which he is dead. native Zoraida Rodríguez. The Sebin agents were handcuffed to the general, who was replaced yesterday by another general, Alirio Cruz.

The latest sanctions of the United States, known yesterday, also mention two "heavy" soldiers of the revolution, turned into politicians. It is about José García Carneiro, governor of Vargas and companion of arms of Hugo Chávez at the time of the coup of 1992, and general Ramón Carrizález, governor of l '. State of Apure, one of the favorite territories of the Colombian guerrillas.

"We tell the armed forces that they can choose President Guaidó's generous offer of amnesty, but otherwise they will lose everything," US Vice President Mike Pence said yesterday.

The mbadive defection since 2017 (at least 4,000, according to military sources), added to the general discontent in its ranks, explains Maduro's push to join the ranks of the two million militiamen, an official figure not confirmed by independent experts. The unsuccessful recruitment of young people reinforced the engagement of Chavismo by militiamen from the ranks of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), members of the communal councils and battle units of Hugo Chávez. All without training, whose main function is to fill the revolutionary gatherings, to participate in military maneuvers, to play the main role in picturesque actions (like taking a place with imaginary guns) that become a viral video and fulfill certain functions security at the door of the store. hospitals or in queues for food.

"Very nervous about the situation, the announcement of a salary increase for the FANB is expected this week to encourage loyalty," said Rocío San Miguel, President of Controlo Ciudadano for the Armed Forces .


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