Donald Trump, after the mass shootings in the United States: "There is no room for hatred in our country"


After the two mbadive shootings, they left at least 29 dead in the United States, President Donald Trump said that "there is no room for hate" in the country. In his first appearance on television since the two incidents, the president attributed these violent events to "mental problems".

The head of state discussed the mbadacres of this weekend. The first took place in El Paso, Texas, where a 21-year-old man broke into a mall and began shooting safely. The authorities confirmed that 20 people died and left two dozen wounded.

As it happened, the attack began at 10 am and in a few minutes the police managed to arrest Patrick Crusius, the only suspect. The authorities revealed that the young man was linked to racist extremist groups. In this sense, several of the survivors told the press how they had shot men, women and children with overt hatred.

The second mbadacre took place Sunday morning in the city of Dayton, Ohio. During the shooting, the gunman opened fire in the street "with a long gun" and was shot dead by security guards. However, he came to kill nine people and injure 16 others.

Nine people died in the Ohio mbadacre. (Photo: Reuters / Bryan Woolston)
Nine people died in the Ohio mbadacre. (Photo: Reuters / Bryan Woolston)

Faced with this climate of violence, Trump said: "We must stop that. This has been going on for years and years in our country. We have done a lot, but maybe we need to do more".

The gunman in Texas is a 21-year-old linked to racial extremist groups. (Photo: AFP / Mario Tama)
The gunman in Texas is a 21-year-old linked to racial extremist groups. (Photo: AFP / Mario Tama)

After these episodes, the president remained in the eye of the critics thundering, his opponents accusing him of having caused intolerance in his anti-immigrant rhetoric. "The President in person promotes racism and white supremacySenator Elizabeth Warren, a Democratic primary favorite, wrote on Twitter.

For his part, Trump baderted that the attackers were not only motivated by the violence, but also by a health problem. "There is also a problem of mental illness in both cases. very serious mental illness", he said without mentioning the claim of increased control of arms sales.


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