Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin spoke more than an hour of the crisis in Venezuela


The crisis in Venezuela came Friday at the highest levels of world politics. US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin they talked for an hour and a half of the power struggle that has worsened this week in the Caribbean country.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov and White House press secretary Sarah Sanders confirmed that the two leaders discussed the difficult situation in Venezuela, as well as what is happening in Ukraine, North Korea and a possible new "nuclear deal" that could include China.

Although the details of the conversation between the leaders did not go beyond, Sanders badured that President Trump "reiterated the need for a peaceful transition" in Venezuela.

"The president has focused on the call to help the people of Venezuela to ensure that they receive the food and help they need," said the spokesman of the Republican Party. The United States holds Russia and Cuba responsible the permanence in power of Bolivarian President Nicolás Madurothat neither Trump nor the leaders of 50 other countries recognize as legitimate.

The chaos in Venezuela has been violently aggravated this week, after self-proclaimed President Juan Guaidó promoted "Operation Libertad" to free from prison at home to the leader of the opposition Leopoldo López.

The White House spokeswoman said that during the conversation with Putin, Trump "made it clear that the United States supported the Venezuelan people," "insisted on the need for a peaceful transition" and had specified that "all options were on the table" https: //

– TN – Todo Noticias (@todonoticias) May 3, 2019

The figures of the victims in the demonstrations against Maduro have increased. Up to now, five protesters have died, including three teenagers. In addition, 239 were injured, according to reports released Friday in Geneva by a spokesman for the United Nations Human Rights Office.

According to data provided by Ravina Shamdasani, so far this year, they are counted 49 demonstrators killed during demonstrations against the Chavez government.


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