Donald Trump announced new tariffs on imports from China and a tense dialogue


US President Donald Trump announced Thursday 10% of customs duties on 300,000 million Chinese imports September 1, in a new escalation of tensions between the two major economies of the world.

However, the president said the trade talks, which resumed this week in Shanghai, will continue.

"We hope to continue our positive dialogue with China for a comprehensive trade agreement and believe that the future between our two countries will be very promising," Trump said.

… We look forward to continuing our positive dialogue with China on a comprehensive trade agreement and believe that the future between our two countries will be very promising!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 1, 2019

In a series of posts on Twitter, the president said that China "had agreed to buy a lot of US agricultural products, but did not do it".

"In addition, my friend President Xi said that he was going to stop the sale of fentanyl in the US That has never happened, Americans are still dying!", Trump said, referring to his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping.

The announcement fell like a bucket of cold water in the markets. he oil fell 6% in New York and the main Wall Street indicators were operating at a loss.

Trade talks between China and the United States were resumed this week in Shanghai and both sides said the dialogues were "productive" in an attempt to end a trade war unleashed a little over a decade ago. a year by the US president to force China to negotiate

According to the schedule of negotiations, a new round of contacts is planned next month in Washington.


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