Donald Trump assured that the impeachment …


The President of the United States, Donald Trump, has assured that the impeachment process being debated in Congress is “absolutely ridiculous”. Far from repeating a self-criticism and a few days after leaving office, the Republican mogul said that his speech before the assault on Capitol Hill was “very appropriate” and described his current situation as “the biggest witch hunt in history “. A day before the violent day, a Virginia FBI office had issued an internal warning noting that extremist protesters were preparing for “war.” The revelation of Washington post It is one more example of the serious mistakes that were made to prevent the revolt that left five dead and dozens of arrests.

Trump visited Texas on Tuesday in his first outing since attack on Congress, reiterating his desire to stay in the White House until the end of his mandate and despite pressure from Democratic deputies who demand his immediate departure. He visited the border wall with Mexico, emblem of his anti-immigration policy. Monday afternoon he met with Vice President Mike Pence, who would reject the Democrats’ request to impeach him using the 25th Amendment to the Constitution. In Congress, impeachment will be voted on Wednesday on charges of “incitement to insurgency” it could make Trump the first U.S. president to be charged twice with indictment.

“Witch hunt”

“It truly is the sequel to the greatest witch hunt in history. It’s ridiculous, it’s absolutely ridiculous. This dismissal is causing immense anger, ”declared the American president from the gardens of the White House and before boarding the plane which would drop him off in the state of Texas. “I don’t want violence”he added in his first press statement since the January 6 revolt. He also denounced “the catastrophic error” social networks such as Twitter and Facebook which suspended his account accusing him of inciting violence.

Trump traveled to Alamo, Texas to “mark the completion of more than 640 miles of border wall”, which he sees as a “kept promise.” However, on paper, it’s a far cry from the “great wall” Trump promised during the 2016 election campaign. Of the total completed, only about 20 kilometers were built in areas where there was no physical barrier before. The rest correspond to improvements or reinforcements of existing barriers. Moreover, Mexico never paid for the wall, as Trump had promised.

During his short-lived visit to Texas, the outgoing president predicted an “absolute calamity” to the safety and public health of the country if Joe Biden reverses his immigration policy and does not continue to build the controversial wall with Mexico. He also assured that it is “the time for our nation to recover and the time for peace and calm” and regretted that “a mob broke into the Capitol and destroyed the government halls” because “We believe in legality, not violence or riots”.

Second impeachment

With the support of a large number of Democratic MPs and the eventual support of some Republicans, the impeachment against Trump is expected to pass easily on Wednesday. The successful businessman could become the first US president to face two political trials in Congress.

Trump has already been indicted when the House of Representatives accused him in December 2019 of pressuring the Ukrainian president to investigate Joe Biden, the current president-elect and who then appeared as his main political rival, for alleged corruption. Trump was ultimately acquitted by the Republican-majority Senate.

After a possible new indictment by the lower house, there remains a doubt about the course and outcome of the trial which should later be held in the Senate. Democrats will take control of the Upper House on January 20, but they will need the backing of many Republicans to achieve the two-thirds majority needed to condemn the president. Determined not to waste time, Democrats sought to pass a resolution on Tuesday calling on Vice President Mike Pence to remove the president from office.

As long as he is not removed from power, Republicans’ “complicity” with Trump “will endanger the United States”., warned the President of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi. Accusing the White House tenant of “inciting a deadly insurgency”, the Democratic leader reiterated her ultimatum to Pence to respond “within 24 hours” in the House if the resolution passes.

What is certain is that The face-to-face meeting between Trump and Pence marked a major turning point in their relationship, strained since the tumultuous January 6. Despite pressure from Trump, the US vice president said the same day in a letter that he would not prevent the validation in Congress of the presidential election results, unleashing the fury of the president and his supporters. Now everything seems to be back to normal.

The FBI anticipated the “war”

Sign of the disorganization with which the Trump administration is withdrawing from government, An internal FBI report revealed that a day before the assault on Capitol Hill, a group of extremists were preparing to “start a war” in Washington. The information, revealed this Tuesday by the Washington post, contradicts statements by FBI Washington bureau chief Steven D’Antuono, who said on Friday that the agency had “no indication” that there was nothing planned for Jan. 6.

However, the FBI office in nearby Virginian, Norfolk, had warned in a report approved for internal publication on January 5 of plans of far-right protesters even sharing a map of the Capitol tunnels. One of the network posts that the intelligence agency included in its report warned: “Congress must listen to shattering glass, open doors and spill blood.”


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