Donald Trump assures that Putin is not "involved" in Venezuela


Donald Trump claimed that the Russian president, Vladimir Poutine, forget it "s & # 39; involve"in the crisis in Venezuela, despite the statements of the main advisers of the US President on national security that the Kremlin supports the regime of Nicolás Maduro.

"He does not try to get involved in Venezuela at all.Trump told reporters Friday at the White House Friday after a phone conversation with the Russian leader.

This is another example of how Trump takes Putin's words to the letter, despite the contrary evidence of his own government. The National Security Advisor of the White House, John Boltonand the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, announced this week that the Kremlin had prevented Maduro from fleeing Venezuela, after the leader of the opposition Juan Guaidó He will try to end his regime on Tuesday after calling for a military uprising.

The Kremlin has denied that the Russian government has convinced Maduro to stay in Caracas.

Vladimir Putin and Nicolás Maduro had a group in the USSR?

Bolton announced that the United States would consider retaliating against Russia and Cuba, Maduro's other ally, which could include new economic sanctions. In March, Bolton warned countries "out of the Western Hemisphere" that they remain out of Venezuela after Russia has sent at least two troop planes to Caracas.

Trump repeatedly reiterated that he also believed in Putin's claims that his government had never taken part in a Russian offensive to interfere in the 2016 US elections.

Trump called a journalist "very rude" after she asked him he had warned Putin not to meddle in the 2020 elections during his call.

"We do not discuss it," he added. "To hear with other countries is a good thing and we want to have good relations with everyone"


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