Donald Trump blamed the Venezuelan crisis in Cuba: "They cause death"


The chaos that erupted in Venezuela began to infect international politics in other latitudes. In a tweet, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, blamed Cuba because of the crisis that has been generated in this country and threatened to deepen the economic embargo that maintains with the island.

If Cuban troops and militia do not immediately STOP military or other operations aimed at causing the death and destruction of Venezuela's Constitution, a complete and complete act ….

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 30, 2019

… but with the sanctions at the highest level, will be placed on the island of Cuba. Let's hope that all Cuban soldiers will return quickly and peacefully to their island!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 30, 2019

"If Cuban military troops do not immediately cease military operations with the aim of causing death and destroying Venezuela's Constitution, there will be a complete embargo as well as the highest level of sanctions for the island. Cubans return in peace and soon on their island! ", tweeted Trump.

In the morning, the Venezuelan opposition leader, Leopoldo López, left his home where he was under house arrest and went public alongside the President of the Parliamentary Assembly, Juan Guaidó . From this moment, the opponents urged the population to mobilize towards the military bases.

The anti-Chavez leader has fled to the Chilean embbady in Caracas amid serious incidents. López and six soldiers asked to be admitted as guests, but after consulting the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Santiago only the chief was admitted Voluntad People's Party (VP).

In the midst of demonstrations, soldiers loyal to the Maduro government They fired tear gas at Guaidó and at least one person was injured, according to the news agency EFE.

Opposition demonstrators mbadively rallied in the streets of Caracas and tanks of the Bolivarian National Guard attacked and invaded them.

The incident occurred near the airbase of the Venezuelan capital, where people protested after Guaidó's call. The moment has been recorded by the television cameras.


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