Donald Trump cools the trade war with China and convenes Xi Jinping at a meeting in the United States.


President of the United States, Donald Trump, he cooled the trade war with China and seek to seal a definitive agreement. The president of the White House announced that he would postpone the application of new tariff penalties against Chinese products and would invite his counterpart Xi Jinping to a meeting at your home in Florida. This innovation is expected to be positive for financial markets, especially emerging markets such as Argentina.

The United States has postponed a program of tariff increases for more than $ 200,000 million They would enter service on March 1, after a "substantial advance" in trade negotiations between the two countries, said Sunday Donald Trump.

I am pleased to report that the United States has made significant progress in our trade negotiations with China on important structural issues, including the protection of intellectual property, technology transfer, agriculture, services, currency and many other problems. As a result of these very ……

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 24, 2019

"I am pleased to announce that the United States has reached a substantial advance during our conversations with China on important structural issues, including the protection of intellectual property, technology transfer, agriculture, services, currency and many other issues, "said American president on Twitter.

And he continued: "I will delay the US tariff increase scheduled for March 1. Assuming both sides make progress, we are planning a summit for President Xi and myself in Mar-a-Lago (the residence). Trump, Florida), conclude an agreement. A very good weekend for the United States and China, "concluded the US president.

…. productive talks, I will delay the US tariff increase now scheduled for March 1. Assuming both sides make further progress, we plan to arrange an agreement with President Xi and myself in Mar-a-Lago. A very good weekend for the United States And China!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 24, 2019

Thus, it closed the fourth round of dialogue aimed at ending a trade dispute between the two countries. the truce of three months agreed between the country leaders at the end of November. Trump had already repeatedly mentioned the possibility of delaying the deadline of March 1 to reach a trade agreement and not to increase tariffs by 10 to 25%, for Chinese imports of $ 200 billion.

The news anticipates a positive reaction from global financial markets, which could also represent relief for emerging markets as Argentina According to the news agency BloombergNorth American badets in the Asian market have already made progress.


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