Donald Trump fired National Security Adviser John Bolton for "profound differences"


The official played a key role in the management of US foreign relations Source: AP

The president of the United States,
Donald Trump, announced today by
Twitter who threw the advisor to the national security of the White House,
John Bolton, for differences in decision making.

"Yesterday evening, I informed John Bolton that his services were no longer needed at the White House." I had deep differences with many of his suggestions, such as those of the administration, and so I asked him to resign, which was handed over this morning, "the president wrote this afternoon on this social network.

In another message, he thanked the manager – who had been in office since last April – and planned that next week he would announce the name of his successor.

Shortly after the announcement of the presidential decision, Bolton also spoke on Twitter. On his behalf, he made a brief statement: "I proposed to resign last night and President Trump said:" We'll talk about it tomorrow. "

I offered to resign last night and President Trump said, "Let's talk about it tomorrow." & – John Bolton (@AmbJohnBolton)
September 10, 2019

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