Donald Trump followers released video with incredible Covid theory


Supporters of the President Donald trump, who on January 6 broke into the Capitol of the United States to break into a session intended to certify the electoral victory of Joe biden, reaffirmed their belief that the elected president “stole the election” and even assured that part of this alleged conspiracy had to do with the coronavirus pandemic.

This is shown in a video titled “How to steal an election”, in which they detail a series of “instructions” to be followed in order to fraudulently win the elections.

The voiceover of the video notes that “You start with a virus”, in connection with the coronavirus pandemic. “Import it to America, talk about it all day long on TV, call on Democratic governors – among whom he cites leaders in Michigan, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York – to send infected patients to homes retirement “, details.

In this sense, the video of the alleged plot continues: “Thousands of infected elderly, blame the president, shut down businesses, kill the economy, promote mail voting, push the issue of racism, organize looting and demonstrations.”, He says. And he adds: “I chose a candidate, I hid it during the campaign, I let the media cover certain topics.” At this point, the video accuses the press of not bringing up some issues that hurt Joe Biden and of “cleaning up his image” with news like that of him and his dog.

“It doesn’t matter that the wars are over, inflate the polls, take control of the polling stations, stop counting the votes at 10 p.m., let the software do its job, let the press announce the winner, call the owners of the social networks and to suspend those who oppose the result. Act as if all of this had not happened, ”he said on polling day. And he ends: “Stealing the most powerful republic in the world is that easy.”

Donald Trump urged supporters to leave in peace, but warned: “Our election has been stolen”

On January 6, following a massive rally attended by President Donald Trump in front of the White House, hundreds of protesters marched on Capitol Hill to denounce what they see as electoral fraud, and violently took down assault Congress to prevent it from The votes cast by the electoral college on Dec. 14, which proclaimed Joe Biden president-elect, will be certified.

On Monday, Democrats in the U.S. Congress took the first step toward a possible second indictment of Trump, something unprecedented in the country’s history and which could endanger the president’s political future.

This first act towards a new “impeachment” of the Republican president takes place nine days before the president leaves the White House and Democrat Joe Biden is sworn in as the 46th President of the United States.

Democrats asked Pence to impeach Trump: “He’s not in good mental health”

However, Democratic lawmakers are determined to act to hasten the president’s departure as soon as possible, which they see as “unbalanced” and an “imminent threat” to American democracy after the Trumpists took over Capitol Hill last week. , which left five dead and shocked the country and the world.

Democrats, who control the House of Representatives, first introduced a resolution in the Lower House asking Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Constitutional Amendment, which allows a president to be removed from office if he is deemed unfit by the majority of the cabinet. position.



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