Donald Trump granted his first interview after leaving the White House and reiterated his allegations of electoral fraud


Donald Trump remembers Rush Limbaugh and once again denounces fraud in recent US election

After leaving the White House since January 20, and after the second political trial against him, the former President of the United States, Donald Trump, granted his first interview this Wednesday since the end of his mandate.

The former head of state spoke Fox News on the death of popular radio host Rush Limbaugh. In addition to remembering Limbaugh, who was his personal friend, the former president reiterated the unfounded allegations of fraud he has been making since the November election won by Joe Biden.

Limbaugh, who received the Presidential Medal of Freedom – the nation’s highest civilian honor – by Trump in February 2020 during the State of the Union address, died at age 70 of terminal cancer which he had been in pain for several months.

The former president argued that the radio presenter supported his government’s fraud allegations: “Rush thought we won. Me too, by the way. I think we won by a wide margin ”.

Trump also praised Limbaugh, whom he called a “legend”: “There will never be another person like him again.” In this sense, he emphasized his ease “to speak for two or three hours”, and remarked that despite “Whether they like him or not, people respected him.”

Donald Trump was acquitted in the second political trial against him (EFE / EPA / Tasos Katopodis)
Donald Trump was acquitted in the second political trial against him (EFE / EPA / Tasos Katopodis)

The former US president revealed that the last time he spoke with his friend was “three or four days ago”: “He was fighting disease like a lion”, he said. said.

During the interview, he also recalled the effort Limbaugh had to make to attend the ceremony in which he was awarded the Medal of Freedom: “Rush was very ill at the time. He was in a Boston hospital … It was very difficult for him to come to Washington from where he was, and he did.

Trump said Limbaugh called the experience “the greatest honor of his life.”

Already in the midst of the fight against cancer, the former president commented that the driver’s wish was to stay in the air until after the last election: “His wish was to resist until after the elections. He worked so hard, and he missed very few shows … He worked so hard to pass the election, and it was awesome. He did it “.

“Losing a loved one is terribly difficult. Rush will always be the best of all time, ”Trump concluded.

Kathryn, Limbaugh’s wife, announced the host’s death on Wednesday on her radio show.

Rush Limbaugh received the US Presidential Medal of Freedom in February 2020 (REUTERS / Jonathan Ernst)
Rush Limbaugh received the US Presidential Medal of Freedom in February 2020 (REUTERS / Jonathan Ernst)

In the second political trial against him, the former Republican president was acquitted last Saturday of charges of “incitement to insurgency” in the unrest on Capitol Hill. Although 57 senators voted in favor of sentencing the former president, the figure fell short of the two-thirds (67 votes) needed to do so.

After the result of the Senate vote was known, the Trump team issued a statement in which the former president denounced a “witch hunt” and promised to “continue” to defend “the greatness of the United States” . “Our beautiful, historic and patriotic movement, Make America Great Again, has just started,” he said.

“In the months to come, I will have a lot to share with you and look forward to continuing our incredible journey for America’s greatness,” he added.

Among the senators who voted against him, There are 50 Democrats and seven Republicans, the most defections to the party in history for a president. The Seven Republicans were Bill Cassidy (Louisiana), Susan collins (Maine), Richard burr (Virginia), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Mitt Romney (Utah), Ben sasse (Nebraska) and Pat Toomey (Pennsylvania).

Minutes after the Senate vote, Republican Upper House Leader Mitch McConnell said that although he was acquitted, Trump is “responsible” for the assault on Capitol Hill. The statement suggests that while the Republican Party saved Trump from condemnation, the internal balances within the Republican Party may have shifted for the mogul.

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